Hello from all of us at Tiny Mountains!
The Early Childhood Development Agency published a press release on 24th September titled "Keeping Our Preschools COVID-19 Resilient Together".
Point 5b (see above) mentions that all enrichment programmes will either be moved online or suspended for the time being, to reduce the risk of transmission within the preschool and across other preschools. We at Tiny Mountains are sad that we will not be able to hold in-person classes for the time being, but we're still active for our weekly sessions online.
For all of you keeping safe at home, you can tune into some of our online resources! We have a YouTube page, full of videos by our Head Coach Titus. Our videos have been received with much love by both kids and parents, we hope that you'll check them out if you haven't! Here's a link to our page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdLrv7bpIjEs1CBtK9ueQ-w
We are also excited to announce that we will be opening up classes to the public in January 2022! And even more excitedly, we are having some FREE trial classes before that starting November 2021. You can sign up for these classes at the link here: https://tripetto.app/run/NMZ7RN7E7D
We look forward to seeing all of you either online or later in person. Keep safe!